Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Digital and skills tax incentives return

The Government has opened submissions for a 120 percent deduction for tech and training investment, bringing previous Federal Budget announcements one step closer to becoming reality.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Is now a good time to buy?

Recent back-to-back interest rate hikes have led to a cooling of the property market, and with more rate rises predicted, you may feel like pumping the brakes on purchasing. But could the current climate offer opportunities?

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Preparing your kids for financial success

Teaching good financial habits, such as saving and budgeting, is one of the best ways to prepare children to have a secure financial future. Helping kids establish sound money management skills and strong financial acumen is important, regardless of wealth level.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Discover the real cost of selling your property

Marketing campaigns, agent commission, taxes... there's a lot to consider when it comes to the cost of selling your home. We've laid out the main expenses for you, so you can stay on track, and on budget.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Interest rates and investing

What are interest rates?

The interest rate is the amount a borrower pays for borrowing money from a lender, which is why it's often referred to as the cost of borrowing.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Do you need a means-test assessment?

When moving into aged care you may be asked to disclose your financial details so that a means-tested fee can be calculated. But do you need to disclose?

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

The trouble with intuition when investing

Knowing how your mind works can help you avoid the more obvious traps many investors fall into.

Cognitive bias has become a bit of an investing buzz phrase in recent years.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Unpaid super from your employer

If you think your employer isn’t paying your super contributions, follow the steps below:

Am I entitled to super? – you should confirm that you're entitled to super before taking any further steps.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Six simple ways to protect your passwords

You use passwords to access your bank accounts, social media, email and more every day.

Passwords are the keys to our online identity. That’s why protecting them is so important.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Go on…take a break!

One of the things many of us have been missing over the past few years is holidays, but now that the world is opening up again for travel and destinations that have been pretty quiet are now eagerly welcoming back tourists, taking a break has never been more appealing.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

How is my insurance taxed?

With the cost of living on the rise, it’s more important than ever to have a financial safety net that protects you and your family in case the unexpected happens.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

How much super do I need to retire?

Working out how much you need to save for retirement is a question that keeps many pre-retirees awake at night. Recent market volatility and fluctuating superannuation balances have only added to the uncertainty.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

The cost of not investing

For many people, the phrase “investing in the share market” is framed by either gains and losses. For the “gains” group, the thought of increasing their wealth and having the potential to generate returns is what propels them to invest. For the “losses” group, the thought of losing money is what keeps them out of the market and from investing their hard-earned monies into what they might perceive as a risky endeavour.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

The value of having a budget

The cost of coffee made headlines a few weeks ago when it was reported prices could reach up to $7 a cup.

Although counter reports came out sceptical of such a price hike, it's undeniable that Australians are experiencing a creeping rise in expenses across the board. From petrol to groceries to travel, things are feeling more expensive because, well, they are.

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Sarah Haines Sarah Haines

Staying passive is being active

Heightened global markets volatility – as we’re experiencing right now – can easily trigger kneejerk reactions by panicked investors.

Widespread selling, triggered by the Russia-Ukraine crisis, has been behind the recent big swings on global financial markets, including on stock markets, commodities markets, and currency markets.

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