Aged Care Advice

Simplifying Aged Care rules for you
Aged Care rules are complex and they can seem quite overwhelming. There is a wide range of services and costs involved. From our experience, we know that you may have received conflicting information or advice from Aged Care facilities and/or Centrelink.
Our Aged Care advice provides strategies so you feel secure and confident that your loved ones will be able to fund their chosen aged care option.

Planning for Aged Care - a seven step plan
Aged Care advice helps you consider:
Should you sell or retain your family home?
Is your Age Pension impacted?
How are fees for your ongoing cost of care calculated?
What is the best way to pay for your accommodation?
Is my Estate Plan impacted and how?

Sign Up to receive your aged care starter guides
There is a lot to consider and learn on the aged care journey. Our handy guides give you plenty of information to consider before you meet with your financial planner.
Download our handy guides
How do you cover the costs of aged care?
Working with your financial adviser
What are your aged care choices?
What is a RAD and how does it work?
Tune in to our Aged Care Podcasts
PODCAST : Understanding the Aged Care system
Understanding the Aged Care system can be daunting. Often it is complex and confusing. There are big decisions to be made at a time when families are feeling emotional and vulnerable.
PODCAST : Government Home Care Packages
Do you understand the Home Care Packages available for older Australians? Most older adults wish to stay at home during their later life years.
PODCAST : Centrelink & the Aged Pension
Understanding the Age Pension, the various tests & thresholds that apply, the Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card, and the most effective methods of dealing with Centrelink.