Thing to do today that your future self will thank you for
Achieving your long-term financial goals doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you can put in place some basic financial steps, you are on the road to a successful outcome.
It means keeping on top of your options and devising strategies for investment, debt reduction and risk protection. The start of the year is a perfect time to take a few proactive steps, that your future self will thank you for.
Why you need an emergency fund
An emergency fund is a financial safety net, offering you instant access to money when you need to cover the cost of unplanned expenses, like losing a job, unexpected travel or a medical emergency.
But how much should you have in emergency savings?
Aged care fee changes - what you need to know
After a long wait, new legislation which is aimed at reshaping how aged care is delivered and funded in Australia has been passed.
Like most countries around the world, our population continues to age, making it important to have a sustainable aged care system that provides quality care and treats our older Australians with dignity.
Surviving the silly season
Ah, Christmas! - the time of year when your bank account shrinks, your social calendar explodes, and your family dynamics resemble a poorly scripted soap opera. As we navigate this festive minefield of shopping, social gatherings, and feasting, it’s common to feel a little frazzled.
Gifting for future generations
At this time of year, when giving is particularly on our minds, some might turn their attention to how best share their wealth or an unexpected windfall with their loved ones.
You might be thinking about handing over a lump sum to help them with a major purchase or business opportunity, or be keen to help reduce or extinguish their student loans.
Dollar cost averaging: can it work for you?
Australian share prices have seen record highs in 2024 after a sluggish couple of years.
The S&P ASX200 index added just under 7 per cent in the 10 months to October 31 closing at 8160.i It reached its previous all-time high of 8355 just two weeks before.
Can we expect the RBA to cut back rates this summer?
With just one RBA rate decision left for 2024, homeowners may be holding onto hopes of a summer cut. We look at when rates may start falling – and how you could possibly give yourself a rate cut before Christmas
Helping the kids without derailing your retirement plans
As parents, the instinct to support our children never truly fades, even when they become adults but when you are looking at giving them a financial helping hand there is a bit to consider.
It’s important to ensure any support you provide is not at the expense of your financial future. It can also be tricky knowing what form your support should take, in order to maximise the benefits for your kids.
Super vs property: what works for retirement income?
There is no debate that Australians love investing in property. The value of Australian residential real estate at the end of August 2024 was an estimated $10.95 trillion.i
Some love it so much that they believe property is a better option for providing a retirement income.
Is a retirement village right for you?
The retirement living sector is growing rapidly in Australia as the population ages and demand increases for a spot in a retirement village.
For many people, the idea of having someone on site to help with property and garden maintenance is enough for them to make what can be a major change later in life.
The lost super pile keeps growing
When it comes to accumulated retirement savings, many Australians have a strong fear of running out of money before they die.
Vanguard’s 2024 How Australia Retires research released in June found that almost one in two Australians do not know whether their money will last them in retirement.
New increased super contribution caps
As the end of financial year gets closer, some investors are thinking about the most effective ways to boost their super balance, particularly with an increase in the caps on contributions from 1 July.
An easy guide to aged care fees
Confused about aged care fees and what it all means? You are not alone. In this article we simplify the basics of aged care fees for you.
If you, or someone you love, need to make a move into residential aged care, understanding the fees and getting a clear picture of what it will cost is not easy.
Why offset accounts are hitting new highs
Spare cash can be tight right now (cost of living crunch, anyone?). But if you’ve still got some savings plus a home loan, there’s a way you could make your surplus funds work harder.
Ever heard of an offset account?
Understanding the new $3m super tax
The much-debated tax on superannuation balances over $3 million is inching closer and those who may be affected should ensure they have considered the implications.
Insurance is a sound investment
Risk is not just associated with investing though - life can throw a curve ball or two and insurance is one way to manage risk in a broader context.
It’s a matter of weighing up your risks and thinking about what you would do if the worst happened.
Evidence-based ways to hold back the hands of time
You can’t stop the clock, so the saying goes, but humanity has spent a long time trying to slow down or even reverse the effects of aging.
Even today it can be hard to distinguish those measures that work from those that may not work and avoid those that may be downright dangerous!
Superannuation and relationship breakdown
If your relationship with your spouse ends, you should be aware of what can happen to the super entitlements of you both.
The Family Court and super-splitting laws generally enable super interests (accounts in super funds) or super payments (pensions or annuities) to be split by agreement or court order if a relationship breaks down.
Australians need help on how to manage huge wealth transfer
Most Australians want to share their wealth with the next generation but are unsure how to transfer that wealth and need help to plan for an effective transfer. Financial advisers are well-placed to meet those needs, according to the findings of a new report from Fidelity International and independent research firm, MYMAVINS.
How to increase your IQ for later in life
According to Dr Vincent Candrawinata, a respected food scientist, clinical nutritionist and health researcher, many different factors influence your intelligence quotient or ‘IQ’ as you age, such as diet, genetics, upbringing, lifestyle and education.