Crypto assets

Crypto-assets (crypto) include assets described as coins, tokens or sometimes cryptocurrencies. They digitally represent your ownership of a valuable thing or rights to something. They may or may not be backed by physical assets.

Crypto is a high-risk investment. The value of crypto is very volatile, often fluctuating by huge amounts within a short period.

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Retiring with debt? Experts explain downsizing, using super for your mortgage, and pension eligibility

About 36% of homeowners still have a mortgage when they retire, up from 23% a decade ago.

This increase in mortgage debt is due to soaring property prices, changes in retirement ages and easy access to drawdown equity loans (where you use your home as security to get a loan, which can be used to fund travel, medical costs and other expenses)

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Financial Planning, Superannuation Sarah Haines Financial Planning, Superannuation Sarah Haines

Forget forgetting - simple ways to improve your memory

We’ve all heard the old saying ‘an elephant never forgets’- but unlike elephants, we humans certainly don’t have flawless recall. Forgetting where you left your keys or the name of the person you met last week, is all too familiar. Memory lapses happen to the best of us, but there are ways to sharpen your memory and boost brainpower.

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Financial Planning, Superannuation Sarah Haines Financial Planning, Superannuation Sarah Haines

Coping with Financial Stress: Insights from The Grass is Greener Podcast

In a recent episode of The Grass is Greener podcast, host Tim Henry welcomed Karen Eley, an experienced behavioural money coach, to discuss the pervasive issue of financial stress.

As financial challenges continue to mount for many in today's economic climate, Karen offers valuable insights into managing financial pressures with a balanced and mindful approach.

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Decisions decisions… Fixed-rate vs variable home loan rate

Amid growing expectations of rate cuts in 2025, sticking with a variable home loan rate can seem like a no-brainer. But not so fast. Locking in your home loan rate can also have upsides, including the potential for a lower rate right now.

Home loans come in all shapes and sizes. A common thread is that you’ll likely be given the choice of a variable or fixed interest rate.

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Financial Planning, Superannuation Sarah Haines Financial Planning, Superannuation Sarah Haines

2024 Year in review - successfully navigating uncertain times

The many unpredictable events of 2024 could easily have been disastrous for investment markets. Instead, we saw remarkable resilience and growth despite occasional volatility as investors reacted to the extraordinary times.

While economic growth in Australia and overseas was underwhelming, share markets rode out the ups and downs to finish 2024 strongly.

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