Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

Volatility is here to stay

Volatility is part and parcel of investing so it's important to put it into perspective and look at the full picture when thinking about your wealth, rather than focus on day-to-day market swings.

If there was to be a single investing lesson that emerged from the events of the last two years, it is that we should learn to expect the unexpected.

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Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

Making the most of your super limits

Getting more money into superannuation is a proven way of building wealth to spend in retirement.

Ongoing contributions from your employer over the course of your working life, and potentially extra contributions made by you, can make a huge difference to your super balance over the long term as your account balance continues to grow.

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Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

How to plan a gap year for grown ups

It’s not just school leavers who dream of a gap year. Those of us who’ve been working for a decade or two (or more) may also long for a real break from career and commitments.

It does not even need to be a year – just enough of an extended break to reset and to take stock of what’s important to you.

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Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

2022 Year in Review

The year began optimistically, as we finally began to emerge from Covid restrictions. Russia threw a curve ball that reverberated around the world and suddenly people who hadn’t given a thought to the Reserve Bank were eagerly waiting for its monthly interest rate announcements.

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