Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

How iron ore plays a big part in our economy

Iron ore has been the backbone of the Australian economy and many investment portfolios for much of the 21st century.

In 1921, iron ore accounted for 68 per cent of Australia’s export revenue. This was the year that iron ore prices peaked at almost $US230 a tonne.i

However, its growth as an export icon really took off with the first shipment of iron ore from the Pilbara in Western Australia in 1966.

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Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

The automotive industry sparking up with electric vehicles

With electric vehicles fast overtaking petrol driven cars in sales in Australia, what are the considerations for the industry, the environment, and consumers?

The popularity of electric vehicles has been a long time coming. While electric vehicles may just be giving petrol driven cars a run for their money now, the technology has been around for centuries.

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How to save for your child’s education

Education is a wonderful gift that parents can provide to their children as it opens doors to a brighter future.

If you are considering private schools, it is essential to plan in advance though. With the rising costs of education and various expenses associated with that, these costs can quickly add up to $40,000 a year.

But don’t worry, we are here to help you navigate through it.

In this article, our adviser Leandro Bonin covers ways you can save effectively for your child's education, avoid common pitfalls and ensure a secure financial future.

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Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

7 things you need to know about burnout

As any small business owner knows, entrepreneurship can be all-consuming. Juggling jobs and wearing multiple hats can soon leave business owners with little time for anything else. But ignoring your mental health and wellbeing comes at a cost and that cost is burnout, writes results coach and change facilitator Sue Giacobbe.

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Financial Planning Sarah Haines Financial Planning Sarah Haines

Planning to retire

If you're planning to retire, you need to consider:

your age including if you have reached your preservation age

when you can access your super

how much tax you will pay on amounts you receive

if good leaver conditions apply if you are part of an Employee Share Scheme

if the retirement capital gains tax concession applies, if you sell your small business.

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